Source code for dmelon.spectral.wavelet.wt

Wavelet transform ported from the MATLAB code by Torrence and Compo

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .core import wave_signif, wavelet

def ar1nv(x):
    Estimate the lag-1 autocorrelation of a time series
    x =
    N = x.size
    x = x - x.mean()
    c0 = / N
    c1 = x[:-1].dot(x[1:]) / (N - 1)
    g = c1 / c0
    a = np.sqrt((1 - g**2) * c0)
    return g, a

[docs]def wt( x: xr.DataArray, dt=1, pad=True, dj=1 / 12, s0=None, mother="MORLET", AR1="auto", plot=True, ): """ Wavelet transform of a time series """ if s0 is None: s0 = 2 * dt if AR1 == "auto": AR1, _ = ar1nv(x) J1 = np.round(np.log2((x.size * 0.17 * 2 * dt) / 2) / (1 / 12)) wave, period, scale, coi = wavelet( x, dt=dt, pad=pad, dj=dj, s0=s0, J1=J1, mother="MORLET", ) power = (np.abs(wave)) ** 2 signif = wave_signif(1, dt=dt, scale=scale, lag1=AR1, dof=2) sig95 = signif[:, np.newaxis].dot(np.ones(x.size)[np.newaxis, :]) variance = x.var(ddof=1).data sig95 = power / (variance * sig95) if plot is True: import cmocean as cmo import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker"default") cmap = fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=300, figsize=(12, 6)) ax.contourf(, period, np.log2(np.abs(power / variance)), cmap=cmap, levels=20, vmin=-9, vmax=9, ) ax.contour(, period, sig95, [-99, 1], colors="k") ax.fill_between(, coi * 0 + period[-1], coi, facecolor="none", edgecolor="#00000040", hatch="x", ) ax.plot(, coi, "k") ax.set_yscale("log", base=2, subs=None) ax.set_ylim([np.min(period), np.max(period)]) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.set_ylabel("Period") ax.set_xlabel("Time")